March 13, 2018 by SchindelSegal

Kagan Confirmed By Senate

You read our recent article on Solicitor General and Supreme Court Justice nominee Elena Kagan. She was recently confirmed by a majority of the full Senate and will become the next U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Please share your thoughts on Kagan’s confirmation and/or her role as a Justice? Disclaimer This Blog is made available for …


March 13, 2018 by SchindelSegal

The Next Supreme Court Justice: Is she “the kind of person you’d like to go to a baseball game with”?

President Obama recently nominated current Solicitor General of the United States Elena Kagan to fill the latest empty Supreme Court seat. Kagan, who has been Solicitor General since January 2009, has no prior experience as a judge. This is something of an anomaly in recent years; if confirmed, she would be the first Justice on …


March 13, 2018 by SchindelSegal

Responsibility and Accountability for the BP Oil Spill; Criminal Fallout?

It has been called the worst oil spill in U.S. history, a disaster that “doesn’t stop” as if “Katrina sat on top of New Orleans for six weeks without going away.”[1] The images of pelicans drowning in crude oil and reports of 20,000 to 40,000 barrels of oil a day spewing into the Gulf of Mexico …