Attorney for Wills in Minneapolis, MN
Residents of Minneapolis and surrounding environs need a will, regardless of their estate size or current financial situation. Without a legal will on record, the State of Minnesota controls the disposition of your assets, right down to the collectibles you’ve hoarded and the clothing in your closet. If you think you must amass a large estate before needing a will, you’re making a serious mistake. Segal Duffek Moen PLLC offers the following reasons you need a will.
Guarantee Your Final Wishes are Honored
A legal will verified and on record allows you to leave clear instructions about how your affairs are to be handled. You can name beneficiaries and designate where and how much of your property is to be distributed. A will places you in charge of your final wishes and establishes a legal guarantee that those wishes will be honored after your death. Instead of leaving your final wishes to strangers in the Minnesota courts, set a consultation with Segal Duffek Moen PLLC and craft a will (or update your current will) as soon as possible.
Name a Personal Representative to Handle Your Affairs
Under Minnesota State Law, a will also allows you to name a personal representative to handle your affairs after your death. This person is sometimes called an executor, because they are charged with “executing” or carrying out the instructions in your will. This person will handle settling final debts, distributing your assets and other special instructions. They should, therefore, be a person you trust completely to carry out your wishes.
Name Guardians for Your Children
An important aspect of your will is designating who will become the legal guardians of any minor children left behind at your death. Some may erroneously believe that is role is automatically shifted to a spouse or grandparent in the event of your death; this is not always the case. When the Minnesota courts become involved in choosing a guardian, if you do not handle this in your will, they can select anyone they deem fit or suitable. Again, a will allows you to make this choice yourself, for the benefit of your minor children.
Do you need a will in Minnesota?
Segal Duffek Moen PLLC believes everyone should establish a legal will to prepare for the future. Your family and loved ones will be glad you cared enough to handle these matters ahead of time. Call us today at 952-358-7400 to schedule a consultation with one of our Minnesota estate planning attorneys.